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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Secret #3

You have to take responsibility for the realization of your goal and start to work hard towards it's achievement. The success secret of all wealthy and successful people is hidden in their work. Do you remember Thomas Edison and his 10000 unsuccessful attempts, that leads to the wonderful discovery; Henri Ford, who invented an automobile, the team of experts worked day-by-day on T8 model more than a year; and other well-known people. Nobody achieved success lying on the bed. Secret of success consists in the hard work. Work and only laborious and hard work led them to their goals. They overcame a great number of obstacles, that later helped them to make new and new wonderful inventions. And nobody was afraid to overwork. Watch the successful people, they work much more time with bigger efforts then mediocre people. They take a rest very rarely and relax much quicker and effectively. Hard work gives them strength. This is the main secret of hard work.

Though they work more, they are get tired much less. Why? Because they see their goal and live in their vision. It gives them power to work further. A page long-term vision treats this subject much more deeply. A man is created for a work, he become tired doing nothing and his heart gets bored of laziness. Look around. Everything is created for some purpose: cars to move fast, planes to carry people for long distance in a very short time. A man comes to Earth for some purpose as well. Look, if you close your car into a garage and forget about it for 2-3 years, this car will be in much worse condition, then an average car used day by day for 10 years. It also regards to the planes and everything else too. And man becomes bored doing nothing. He has to work and achieve his goal. Only following this way a man can find his happiness.

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